Automator: Quick Actions

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By default, Automator includes a workflow template for processing PDF files generated when the user selects a Print Plugin workflow from the PDF popup menu in the application Print dialog. The following example details the creation of an Automator PDF Print Plugin that adds a new slide containing an image of the current map in the Maps app, to.

Beginning with macOS Mojave (v10.14), Automator Services workflows have been given new abilities and a new name: “Quick Actions”

While retaining all of the current features of its deep integration with the macOS contextual System Services architecture, Automator “Quick Actions” can now also be saved and accessed as system extensions, from within a Finder window’s Preview pane, or on the Macbook Pro Touch Bar.

The following documentation shows how to create a Quick Action (Services) workflow and how to control its integration in macOS as either an Extension or as a Service.

Services (Quick Action) Workflow Window

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When the “Quick Action” workflow is chosen from the Automator template sheet, a new workflow window like this is created, displaying the workflow input controls common to all contextual system service workflows.

1 The Automator workflow document window.

2 The workflow input settings banner contains controls for identifying the data type of the workflow input, the application context in which the workflow is available, and the icon and color used to represent the workflow.

3 The workflow assembly pane where Automator actions are placed in the order in which they are executed.

4 The workflow input type menu determines the both the data and context required by the workflow. For example, if the chosen data type is “PDF files” then the workflow will only be enabled when one or more PDF files are selected. For those workflows that are not dependent upon having input, choose the “no input” option at the end of the menu.

5 The chosen item on the application context menu determines in which application the workflow will be used. Choose the “any application” setting to have the workflow always available regardless of which application in frontmost.

Beginning in macOS Mojave (v10.14) Automator Quick Actions (service workflows) have the option to be displayed and accessed from a Finder window’s Preview pane, and/or the Macbook Touch Bar. Consequentially, the workflow settings banner contains controls for assigning an icon and color to the workflow that is used in its display in the those locations.

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1 You can select an icon for the Quick Action from the list of provided elements, or choose an image file. The chosen icon is displayed on eiher the Finder window Preview pane or the Macbook Touch Bar, and in the Extensions system prference pane. NOTE: a good template size for custom icon images is 36 by 36 pixels at 144 DPI resolution. Save the images in PNG format with an alpha channel. For more information, see the Custom Quick Action Icons section at the bottom of this page.

2 The selected color is used when displaying the Quick Action in the Macbook Touch Bar.

When the workflow’s input data type is set to either text, rich text, or Automatic (text), the option to replace the current application text selection with the results of the workflow, is enabled.

8 When the service input type is set to either text, rich text, or Automatic (text) the checkbox 9 for indicating replacement of the current text selection with the workflow result is enabled.

9 When this checkbox is enabled and selected, the contents of the current text selection will be replaced with the output of the workflow. If the checkbox is not selected, the current text selection will remain as is.

Option filtering of the current text selection is available when the input data type is set for text elements, such as: URLs, addresses, phone numbers, dates, or email addresses. When one of these input types is chosen, option to pass only a list of the text elements found in the current text selection, or the entire selection, to the workflow, is enabled.

4 When the service input type is set to specific textual elements, like URLs, phone numbers, or addresses, you have the option to either pass only a list of the textual elements found in the current text selection, or to pass the entire current text selection, as input to the workflow.

10 The popup menu options to either pass only a list of the textual elements found in the current text selection, or to pass the entire current text selection, as input to the workflow.

Services Folder

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By default, service workflows are activated when they are saved or placed into the Services folder in your Home Library folder. If a service workflow is removed from this folder, it will no longer be available as a Quick Action.

To edit installed Automator “Quick Actions” (and other workflow types), choose “Open…” (⌘O) from the Automator File menu. In the forthcoming file chooser dialog 1 click the “Options” button 2 to reveal the workflow type popup menu 3 and select the type of installed workflow you wish to edit from the popup menu. The contents of the designated folder containing the specified type of workflow 4 will be displayed in the dialog.

TIP: to reveal a workflow file selected in this dialog in the Finder, type Command-R (⌘R) and the Finder application will come forward showing the containing folder with the item selected.

Custom Quick Action Icons

Quick Action workflows may be assigned a custom icon image that you or other create. A good template size for custom icon images is 36 by 36 pixels at 144 DPI resolution, saved in PNG format with an alpha channel.

An excellent resource for workflow icons is the Google Material Design Icons collection, which contain dozens of useful icons for all aspects of computer usage. The icons displayed below are examples from that collection.

Example Quick Action

Here is an example of a Quick Action workflow. This Quick Action can be displayed on either the Finder Preview pane and/or the Touch Bar when the Finder is the frontmost application. It will watermark the selected PDF files using a specified image and transparency.

TIP: download a set of watermark images in red and blue: DRAFT, CONFIDENTIAL, EYES ONLY, and FINAL

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1 The Automator workflow document.

2 The workflow input banner with controls set to accept PDF files selected in the Finder application.

3 The Watermark PDF Documents Automator action will render the specified watermark image into the PDF file passed as input to the action. The resulting watermarked document will be passed to the next action.

4 The Open Finder Items action will open the watermarked file into whatever application is assigned as the default application for editing PDF files, which by default, is the Preview application.

The “Render to Image Slide” Automator workflow is a PDF print plugin for printing documents from any application to a new slide in Keynote.


Let’s say you’re creating a presentation about Washington D.C. and you want to include a slide with a 3-D map highlighting famous historical landmarks, such as the Capitol Building, the White House, the Washington Monument, and the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials.

Wouldn’t it be useful to be able to print such a map from the Maps application directly to your presentation? Here’s how to create an Automator workflow to make this possible.

Creating the PDF Print Plugin

In Automator, create a new workflow and choose the PDF Print Plugin option from the template sheet, and add the following actions to the new workflow.

1 Render PDF Pages as Images • Add this action that renders the PDF file generated by the print architecture into a high-resolution image file. In the action view, set the image format to JPEG, the resolution to between 300 to 600 DPI, and the compression level to deliver the best quality image.

2 Move Finder Items • The result of the previous action is a JPEG image file placed within a special system folder used to temporarily contain items that are being used by the OS and applications. The next step is to move the created image to a user-accessible location like the Pictures folder. Add the Move Finder Items action to the workflow and set its destination folder to be the Pictures folder, and to replace any files that are named the same as the created image.

3 New Image Slide from File • Add this action to the end of the workflow and set its placement option to Scale to Fill. This action will create a new slide containing the rendered image, in the frontmost Keynote presentation.

Save and name the workflow. It will now be available from the PDF popup menu within any application’s print dialog.

DOWNLOAD an installer for the example workflow that will install the PDF print plugin into the PDF Services folder. Once installed, the workflow can be executed from the PDF popup menu within the standard print dialog.