
  1. Alt L Shortcut In Android Studio 8
  2. Android Studio Ctrl Alt L
  3. Alt L Shortcut In Android Studio Download
  4. Alt L Shortcut In Android Studio Windows 10
  5. Alt L Shortcut In Android Studio Free
Save allCtrl + S

Cmd + Space: Basic code completion. Cmd + Option + L: Reformat the selected code. Option + F6: Find usages. Shift + F6: Refactor/rename. Cmd + Alt + /: Comment uncomment a block of code. In the next few sections, we’ll walk through some essential Android studio shortcuts that you might not know. Using a mouse or a trackpad frequently. Android studio comment shortcut. Comment shortcut Android Studio, At least in Android Studio 2.2.3 with default key mapping, to comment or uncomment a select text, same hotkeys are used as Toggle. Using the Once this dialog appears, to review (and/or add) a shortcut, do the following: Select Keymap in the list on the left. You can create methods quickly from a selected block of the code as shown below: Android Studio Shortcut Create Method. Mac – Cmd + Option + M. Windows – Ctrl + Alt + M. To add a single parameter in the method use the following alternative shortcut: Mac – Cmd + Option + P. Windows – Ctrl + Alt + P. Android Studio Shortcut Create Parameter.

Synchr­onizeCtrl + Alt + YMaximi­ze/­min­imize editorCtrl + Shift + F12Add to favoritesAlt + Shift + FInspect current file with current profileAlt + Shift + IQuick switch schemeCtrl + ` (backq­uote)Open settings dialogueCtrl + Alt + SOpen project structure dialogCtrl + Alt + Shift + SSwitch between tabs and tool windowCtrl + Tab


CopyF5MoveF6Safe deleteAlt + DeleteRenameShift + F6Change signatureCtrl + F6InlineCtrl + Alt + NExtract methodCtrl + Alt + MExtract variableCtrl + Alt + VExtract fieldCtrl + Alt + FExtract constantCtrl + Alt + CExtract parameterCtrl + Alt + P

Writing Code

Generate code (getters, setters, etc)Alt + InsertOverride methodsCtrl + OImplement methodsCtrl + ISurround with (if...else / try...c­atch / etc.)Ctrl + Alt + TDelete line at caretCtrl + YCollap­se/­expand current code blockCtrl + minus/plusCollap­se/­expand all code blocksCtrl + Shift + minus/plusDuplicate current line or selectionCtrl + DBasic code completionCtrl + SpaceSmart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)Ctrl + Shift + SpaceComplete statementCtrl + Shift + EnterQuick docume­ntation lookupCtrl + QShow parameters for selected methodCtrl + PGo to declar­ation (directly)Ctrl + B or Ctrl + ClickGo to implem­ent­ationsCtrl + Alt + BGo to super-­met­hod­/su­per­-classCtrl + U

Alt L Shortcut In Android Studio 8

Open quick definition lookupCtrl + Shift + IToggle project tool window visibilityAlt + 1Toggle bookmarkF11Toggle bookmark with mnemonicCtrl + F11Commen­t/u­nco­mment with lineCtrl + /Commen­t/u­nco­mment with blockCtrl + Shift + /Select succes­sively increasing code blocksCtrl + WDecrease current selection to previous stateCtrl + Shift + WMove to code block startCtrl + [Move to code block endCtrl + ]Select to the code block startCtrl + Shift + [Select to the code block endCtrl + Shift + ]Delete to end of wordCtrl + DeleteDelete to start of wordCtrl + BackspaceOptimize importsCtrl + Alt + OProject quick fix (show intention actions and quick fixes)Alt + EnterReformat codeCtrl + Alt + LAuto-i­ndent linesCtrl + Alt + IIndent­/un­indent linesTab/Shift + TabSmart line joinCtrl + Shift + JSmart line splitCtrl + EnterStart new lineShift + EnterNext/p­revious highli­ghted errorF2 / Shift + F2

Build and Run

BuildCtrl + F9Build and runShift + F10Apply changes (with Instant Run)Ctrl + F10


DebugShift + F9Step overF8Step intoF7Smart step intoShift + F7Step outShift + F8Run to cursorAlt + F9Evaluate expressionAlt + F8Resume programF9Toggle breakpointCtrl + F8View breakp­ointsAlt L Shortcut In Android StudioCtrl + Shift + F8

Navigating and Searching Within Studio

Search everything (including code and menus)Press Shift twiceFindCtrl + FFind next

Android Studio Ctrl Alt L

F3Find previousShift + F3ReplaceCtrl + RFind action

Alt L Shortcut In Android Studio Download

Ctrl + Shift + ASearch by symbol nameCtrl + Alt + Shift + NFind classCtrl + NFind file (instead of class)Ctrl + Shift + NFind in pathCtrl + Shift + FOpen file structure pop-upCtrl + F12Navigate between open editor tabsAlt + Right/Left ArrowJump to sourceF4 / Ctrl + EnterOpen current editor tab in new windowShift + F4Recently opened files pop-upCtrl + ERecently edited files pop-upCtrl + Shift + EGo to last edit locationCtrl + Shift + BackspaceClose active editor tabCtrl + F4Return to editor window from a tool windowEscHide active or last active tool windowShift + Esc

Alt L Shortcut In Android Studio Windows 10

Go to lineCtrl + GOpen type hierarchyCtrl + HOpen method hierarchy

Alt L Shortcut In Android Studio Free

Ctrl + Shift + HOpen call hierarchyCtrl + Alt + H

Version Control / Local History

Commit project to VCSCtrl + KUpdate project from VCSCtrl + TView recent changesAlt + Shift + COpen VCS popupAlt + ` (backq­uote)